Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Scripture Memory:

because of the hope laid up for you in heaven. Of this you have heard before in the word of the truth, the gospel, which has come to you, as indeed in the whole world it is bearing fruit and increasing—as it also does among you, since the day you heard it and understood the grace of God in truth,
(Colossians 1:5-6 ESV)


A double one again today. It seems God is always ready to open up these verses each time I look at them. If I had any doubt that God's word is alive and active, my experience in the last few days would certainly dispel that notion!

The first one is from the phrase "the day you heard it and understood the grace of God in truth." For most people the day they heard and understood the grace of God occur on the same day. In my case from the day I heard to the day I finally understood it took 16 years. My cousin, Tony, shared the gospel with me in the kitchen of our rental home in Daisy Place. We were eating dinner and I scoffed when he said if we accept Jesus Christ as my savior, all our sins are forgiven - past, present and future. That was 1987. I did not fully understand the grace of God in truth until 2003. It took three deaths - that of my maternal grandmother, my good friend and my mother - for everything to finally sink in. I finally got it. And I thought I was smart....

This morning the word hope caught my attention. February 28 has always been special to my husband and me. Today is the 31st anniversary of when Agent G and I started our relationship. We were young and so in love. I admit there are days when everything is difficult. But God! This morning, He gave me a special gift. I smiled when I saw it. Right there where that black blob is - wait, what IS that thing? A bird? A plane? Superman? Dirt on my window (most likely)? Anyway, right there - do you see it? The very faintest of rainbows curving down to the "N" in the sign. Just because He knows I love rainbows so much. It's His way of saying there is hope, no matter how faint. It's still there. 

Yes, even in the midst of unidentified black blobs, the things that I don't understand and dark clouds, overwhelming circumstances, dark emotions ~ there's hope. Thank you, Father.


bogodoy said...

Though I strained my eyes trying to find it, you're right. It is a rainbow. And though I can only leave to my imagination the "so in love" thing, I join you in your hope. Praying for you and Agent G, friend.

bogodoy said...

wish you could read the "thank you for being a blessing" comments on my FB link to your blog posts. am giddy with happiness or you.

~Grace and Peace said...

Ahh, that's so sweet. Thank you, friend ~ for your prayers and words of encouragement. They both mean a lot to me.